How to File for Bankruptcy

man in suit explaining how to file for bankruptcy

There’s no shame in having debt or getting assistance with your finances. Often, talking to a credit counselor and getting on a debt management plan is enough to get people …

miniature model of a house on a desk with keys and mortgage documents

How Does a Mortgage Work?

If you want to buy a home – and you’re not a direct relative of Warren Buffet – you’ll probably need to take out a mortgage. A mortgage is just …

first time home buyers holding keys and boxes

First Time Home Buyers Guide

Ready to buy your first home? It might seem like a big step, and there’s so much to get your head around. But don’t stress; this guide can help you …

man writing a cashier's check

What is a Cashier’s Check and How to Get One

When managing your finances, being aware of all available tools is crucial. Among these, a cashier’s check holds significant importance. Despite our shift towards digitalization, cashier’s checks remain a vital …

young couple learning 8 methods of paying down debt at their kitchen counter

8 Methods of Paying Down Debt

Debt puts a strain on the average American income and makes it difficult for families to reach financial goals. Debt repayment causes families to delay important milestones, such as buying …

unhappy man looking for alternatives to bankruptcy

6 Alternatives to Bankruptcy

Financial emergencies like unexpected medical bills can be difficult for many Americans to cope with. 36 percent of adults report that they would not be able to cover a $400 …